Our newly restored cult comedy feature 4 O'CLOCK premiered at the Athens Ohio International Film and Video Festival (2021) is now available on several streaming services.

“Godard meets Ed Wood”

4 O’CLOCK (1996/2021), 90 min., restored from the original 16mm negative.

Special agent Mott McCampbell has a mission, escorting a Japanese dignitary from JFK airport to the United Nations. A gang of discontented stewardesses has a different plan, kidnapping! Will Mott be able to stop them in time? Find out, see 4 O’CLOCK, the underground, film-noir comedy.

Starring: Mott McCampbell, Suzan Al-Doghachi, Robert Pleasants, Alejandro Serrano, Takamichi Saeki, Cynthia Marshall, Kimberlee Gayheart, Jim Krell, Ken Hiratsuka.